The Italian Daughter, conceived by Melissa Maggiore Meyer as a heartfelt tribute to her late father, the renowned restaurateur and chef Tomaso Maggiore, is an inviting haven where guests are welcomed into the warmth of Meyer’s own home. This homage to old-school Italian favorites features cherished dishes like burrata, linguine with clams, gnudi, e...
READ MORETomaso's has long been an Italian cuisine institution in Phoenix, the first of what would become a family-run Italian restaurant empire. But after 46 years, the Maggiore family announced they are ready to close the chapter. The restaurant was opened by Tomaso and Patricia Maggiore in 1977 and their children went on to open their own restaurants aro...
READ MOREDuring the Regional Arizona Gala on Jan. 28, the National Italian American Foundation honored Joe Maggiore and the Maggiore Group, which owns and operates Hash Kitchen, The Sicilian Butcher, The Sicilian Baker, The Mexicano and two new restaurant concepts opening soon in metro Phoenix. Founded in 1975, NIAF is a nonprofit organization based in Wash...
READ MOREThe Arizona Regional Gala will Honor Chef Joey Maggiore and the Maggiore Family at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel in Phoenix. The demand is high to support the National Italian American Foundation in the Southwest. Tickets are almost sold out for the Foundation’s Arizona Regional Gala on Saturday, January 28, 2023, at the Arizona Biltmore Hotel. With s...
READ MOREThe National Italian American Foundation (NIAF) is set to honor Chef Joey Maggiore and the Maggiore Family at the Foundation's Arizona Regional Gala in Phoenix on Saturday, January 28, 2023, at the iconic Arizona Biltmore Hotel, a Waldorf Astoria Hotel. "NIAF is proud to return to Phoenix and honor Chef Joey Maggiore and the Maggiore family for the...