Italy has submitted Matteo Garrone’s Io Capitano as its candidate for Best International Film at the 96th Academy Awards. The timely drama follows the hardships of two Senegalese teenagers as they try to make it to Europe via the Sahara desert and the Mediterranean Sea. The film world premiered to critical acclaim in Competition in Venice winning B...
READ MORESince the 1970s, Italian filmmakers have been struggling to throw off the monochrome shadow of Neorealism. The genre defined the golden age of Italian cinema and is still remembered as one of the most important and influential movements in cinema history. Yes, you’re right – that is quite a lot of pressure. It’s no wonder, then, that the nation’s b...
READ MOREItalian director Matteo Garrone's Pinocchio is not the sunny, cheery cartoon tale of your childhood memories. The Gomorrah auteur's darker, yet thrillingly fantastical adaptation remains true to Carlo Collodi's The Adventures of Pinocchio, which began as a weekly series of cautionary children's tales set in the impoverished Tuscan countryside. Cost...
READ MOREMatteo Garrone said he was savouring the "historic" success of his 2019 adaptation of Pinocchio after it won two Oscar nominations - for Best Costume Design and Best Makeup and Hairstyling. The director refused to be drawn into the debate about why the film, which stars Roberto Benigni as Gepetto, had not been been chosen to be Italy's candidate fo...
READ MOREMatteo Garrone's Pinocchio got two Oscar nominations for costumes and make-up Monday while Laura Pausini's 'Io sì' (Seen) from the latest Sophia Loren film got a nod for best song. Pinocchio was nominated for the costumes by Italy's Massimo Cantini Parrini and make-up by Briton Mark Coulier, an Oscar winner for The Iron Lady and The Grand Budapest...
READ MOREMatteo Garrone’s “Dogman” opened at the 2018 Cannes Film Festival where the lead actor, Marcello Fonte took home the top acting prize. Since then, it’s won numerous awards including the Italian Oscar Best Supporting Actor. The film follows Marcello (Marcello Fonte), an animal lover who runs a neighborhood dog grooming business. He adores his pre-te...
READ MOREHanWay Films has released a first-look image of Oscar-winning actor/director Roberto Benigni as Mastro Geppetto in the live-action version of “Pinocchio,” directed by Matteo Garrone, which has started shooting in Italy. Garrone’s ambitious pic, which will mark Benigni’s return to the big screen after a seven-year hiatus, started principal photograp...
READ MOREMatteo Garrone’s critical hit Dogman was the big winner at Italy’s biggest film event, the David di Donatello awards, picking up nine prizes on Tuesday night. The 64th edition of the awards was broadcast back on its original home of RAI after a brief trial run on Sky Italia. Under the new leadership of Piera Detassis, the first female president and...
READ MOREDOGMAN, Matteo Garrone’s award winning drama comes to the US, starting April 12 and Cinema Made in Italy is proud to support the latest release of great Italian cinema! Last night DOGMAN won 9 David di Donatello Awards, including for Best Picture and Best Director. It previously won Best Actor at the Cannes Film Festival and European Film Awards. “...
READ MOREGenre filmmaking currently seems to be getting more traction within projects in the Italian cinema pipeline, be it dark fables, a Cosa Nostra thriller with a fresh angle, a Rome origins epic in pre-Roman Latin, or other types. Below is a compendium of standout titles in various stages, some of which may surface on the 2019 festival circuit. “Pinoc...