The cast and creatives behind “The Sopranos” reunited at Tribeca Festival Thursday night in celebration of the series’ 25th anniversary. They gathered for the premiere of Alex Gibney’s HBO documentary, “Wise Guy: David Chase and the Sopranos,” which played to a packed audience at the Beacon Theatre on the Upper West Side of Manhattan Thursday night...

Michael Imperioli cemented his status as an iconic Italian American actor with his role as Christopher Moltisanti on The Sopranos. Years before he joined the Emmy-winning series, when he was a fledgling actor, Imperioli got to work with legends like Robert De Niro and Joe Pesci (along with his future Sopranos co-star Lorraine Bracco) in Martin Scor...

There's no place like home for Michael Imperioli. The White Lotus star and his wife, Victoria Chlebowski, recently traded in their Santa Barbara, California, family house in favor of a chic, two-bedroom apartment in Manhattan, where they lived more than a decade ago, according to Architectural Digest. And according to Michael, who gave the outlet a...

Being attached to a big role on one of the most respected television shows in history is the ultimate double-edged sword in entertainment, even more so if that role was as a member of the Italian mob. Michael Imperioli should know that better than anybody, since most people would immediately recognize him as Christopher Moltisanti, one of the most...

Some actors grow huffy when asked about a role from 20 years ago, but Michael Imperioli remains grateful about the chance to play Christopher Moltisanti. He happily reflects on “The Sopranos,” despite the many roles he’s since had including starring on “Lincoln Rhyme: Hunt for the Bone Collector” and “Detroit 1-8-7.” Imperioli, 56, began his career...

Since the 1999 premiere of The Sopranos, HBO’s game-changing mob series, it’s been an article of faith that it was the tale of two families: Protagonist Tony Soprano’s actual family, and the one he oversaw as the boss of a North Jersey Mafia crew. But according to Michael Imperioli, who portrayed Tony’s tempestuous, ill-fated nephew Christopher Mol...

Actor, writer, producer and musician Michael Imperioli – best known for playing Christopher Moltisanti in The Sopranos – chooses his 13 favourite tracks, and discusses the use of music in the series. Simon Price listens in an unmarked van across the street. The mood, and the lighting, is dark. In the back office of the Crazy Horse nightclub, a besu...

As a film curator, people always ask what films or TV shows they should be watching. I have a top ten memorised, which always features all six series of The Sopranos. From the opening with a mob boss walking into a therapist’s office through all 86 episodes, The Sopranos captured life – family, relationships, marriage, race, religion, food, money,...

Ace character actor Michael Imperioli’s resume includes stints—regular and one-offs in such television series as Californication, Blue Bloods, and even The Office, in which he memorably appeared in an episode as Dwight Schrute’s karate sensei. But he will likely forever be best-known for his role on The Sopranos as Christopher Moltisanti, mob boss...

When Michael Imperioli stars in the finale of Showtime’s historical prison-break drama, “Escape at Dannemora,” on Sunday, his roles will have traversed an almost 30-year arc from one extreme end of the law to the other: from New York gangster to New York Governor. Imperioli first drew wider attention in the 1990 Martin Scorsese film “Goodfellas,” p...