Narni, an enchanting town in the heart of Italy, is often overlooked by the usual tourist trail, yet it holds a wealth of history, culture, and natural beauty that beckons those yearning for a journey into a place where time seems to stand still. Nestled in the province of Terni, in the southern part of Umbria, this ancient town offers a unique gl...
READ MOREThis enchanting region, known as the "Green Heart of Italy," is steeped in rich history, dotted with picturesque towns, and blessed with lush landscapes. Umbria offers a quieter, more authentic Italian experience, away from the throngs of tourists. From ancient civilizations to medieval masterpieces and culinary excellence, Umbria invites travelers...
READ MORENarni is an exquisite hill town located in Umbria: it sits on a rocky outcrop overlooking the Nera River, and its narrow streets, ancient churches, and stunning views make it a great place to experience. If you like historical reenactments and good, old-fashioned traditional events, then you should visit Narni between the end of April and the begin...
READ MORELong before we’d ever heard about Harry what’s-his-name, lovers of fantasy adventure have been whisked away to magical lands through C.S. Lewis’ The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe (1950). The first of a series that has sold over 100 million copies worldwide, the book ranks in the top 10 of practically every “Best of Fantasy Books” list. Set in t...