Bosa, a picturesque town nestled on the western coast of the enchanting island of Sardinia, Italy, is set to steal the spotlight in 2024 as an Italian gem that often goes unnoticed by travellers. With its stunning landscapes, rich history, and vibrant culture, Bosa is emerging as the most beautiful yet underrated destination in Italy. Italian local...

It's super strong, fennel-flavored, as transparent as water -- and in many households across Sardinia it's still produced illegally. Filu 'e ferru, or "iron wire," is an old drink with a dangerous past and an alcohol concentration of up to 45% that knocks out even those with a high tolerance. Rosa Maria Scrugli was barely 23 years old when in 1970...

In the Oristano area, as in many Sardinian towns, the craft of weaving has always been the prerogative of women, at first mostly for domestic purposes and later as a business activity. The first type of production was mainly to provide for girls’ dowries and was woven at home using a wooden loom, a tool found in almost every house. In the 1960s the...

The island of Sardinia is one of my favorite regions of Italy. Sardinia is well known for its beautiful, pristine beaches and clean, clear sea and unlike in many parts of Italy, the majority of the beaches are free. Beaches range from sandy beaches with calm waters to rocky beaches with strong surf and even beaches accessed only by hiking or by boa...

The manufacture of ceramics in Oristano is linked to the geological characteristics of the area. The city is located between two large ponds near the mouth of the Tirso, where the clay component of the soil has provided the raw material for the production of various forms of pottery from Neolithic times to the present day.  The most ancient example...

The Phoenicians used the gulf as their trading centre and built the wonderful city of Tharros; the most important evidence of the ancient Nuragic culture is still evident in this territory such as mysterious sacred wells, imposing nuraghi (megalithic edifices) and the fascinating Giganti (giants) of Monte’ and Prama. The Gulf also features a sea wi...