The Pirandello Lyceum will hold its 39th Annual I Migliori Awards Dinner on April 6th, 2024 at Spinelli’s Hall in Peabody, MA. This is the Pirandello’s signature event which honors outstanding men and women of Italian heritage who have demonstrated outstanding professional and personal achievement and extraordinary contributions to the Italian Amer...

The Pirandello Lyceum is a group of Italian Americans made up of established members in academia, government, business and medicine. Their mission encourages a greater understanding and appreciation of Italian culture among all people. They work to restore and maintain the Italian American heritage. The I Migliori Award means in Latin, “The Best in...

The Pirandello Lyceum is hosting their annual Italian Sing Along - Cantiamo Insieme, with famed accordionist Elio LoRusso. Eat appetizers, a main course, dessert, coffee. Cash Bar. Donation $40. Wednesday, October 26th at 6:00 P.M. at: Stefanelli's Restaurant - 119 South Main Street - Middleton, MA. Questions? Contact Domenic Amara at domamara@aol....