In the summer of 1910, an anarchist named Sabato Rodia arrived in Seattle, a humble Italian worker visiting his brother and their comrades. Later known to the world as Sam Rodia, back then he was Sabato; quiet, passionate, and fiercely committed to the beautiful idea of anarchism where there would no more masters or slaves but only free people livi...
READ MOREA hundred years ago, in what was then the semi-rural farming community of Watts, a 40ish-year-old Italian immigrant laborer named Sabato Rodia bought a little home on a dead-end block by the railroad tracks and started collecting junk. The roar and rattle of Pacific Electric Railway red cars was almost constant, but that didn’t bother Rodia. Perhap...
READ MOREThe story of Sabato Rodia needs to be known by every Italian, wherever they live. When he built the Watts Towers, Rodia achieved something very unique. That must have been why the Beatles decided to put him on the cover of their famous Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band, together with other famous and celebrated people: he's the one on upper rig...