Save Venice and Friends of Florence are delighted to announce their collaboration for the restoration of Donatello’s Equestrian Monument to Gattamelata. This bronze masterpiece, dating to the mid-15th century, stands at the front of the Basilica of Saint Anthony in Padua and is in urgent need of conservation work. Thanks to Save Venice with lead fu...

Over President’s Day Weekend from February 16th to February 18th, the American non-profit organization Save Venice hosted a three-day fundraiser based in and around Beverly Hills to benefit its mission to preserve the artistic heritage of Venice, Italy. The event, which drew nearly 100 guests from around the US and U.K., marked Save Venice’s triump...

Save Venice Inc. American Philanthropy and Art Conservation in Italy, 1966-2021. A book presentation with Christopher Carlsmith, Professor of History, UMass Lowell. February 16, 2023 | 6PM. Istituto Italiano di Cultura - 686 Park Avenue, NY. Free entrance | RSVP HERE. In collaboration with Save Venice. In this book talk, Prof. Christopher Carlmsith...

L'ambasciatore d'Italia a Washington, Armando Varricchio, ha aperto insieme a Frederick Ilchman, presidente di Save Venice, il webinar sulla protezione dei siti storici della città di Venezia dall'acqua alta. Il seminario, realizzato nel solco della proficua collaborazione con Save Venice, si tiene a poco meno di un anno dalle gravi inondazioni che...

January 15 – February 15, 2020. Opening reception: Wednesday, January 15, 2020 6:00pm-8:00pm. Please RSVP. IIC New York - 686 Park Ave, New York, NY 10065. GIANNI BERENGO GARDIN ● CLAUDIA CORRENT ● RENATO D’AGOSTIN ● FULVIO ROITER. A photographic homage to Venice. This exhibition is inspired by the sense of urgency to support artistic heritage cons...

From the 12th to the 17th of November, Venice was devastated by severe weather. Flooding in the city reached an unprecedented level. The people of Venice, its artistic and cultural heritage and its businesses have been severely affected. The Government of Italy has declared a state of emergency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International...

Monday, March 11, 2019 from 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM - Italian Cultural Institute | 500 N Michigan Ave | Suite 1450 | Chicago IL. In honor of Jacopo Tintoretto’s 500th birthday, the American non-profit organization Save Venice funded the conservation treatment of nearly two-dozen paintings in Venice in 2018/19, by the celebrated master and his talented w...

Thursday 03/07/2019 - 6:30pm - Casa Italiana Zerilli-Marimò, 24 West 12th Street, New York, NY 10011-8604. Desiring and Encountering La Serenissima Through Cuisine and Cinema. This event is organized and presented by Save Venice. A lecture by Pellegrino D’Acierno. Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Comparative Literature and Italian Studies, Hofst...

"Save Venice" Boston Chapter Gala 2018 - Sposalizio del Mare: Marriage to the Sea. Friday, November 2, 2018, 7:00pm to 12:00am. The Harvard Club - 374 Commonwealth Ave - Boston, MA 02115. Tickets can be purchased here. Proceeds will allow the Boston chapter to restore, in honor of Jacopo Tintoretto’s 500th birthday, Saint Jerome Presenting Doge Pri...