Almost seven years have passed since the death of one of the greatest artists of Italian cinema, one half of the iconic duo that has shaped entire generations and continues to delight with their movies. Carlo Pedersoli, known on and off the screen with his stage name Bud Spencer, died on the 27th of June 2016, leaving thousands around the world who...

Gubbio is a medieval town at the base of Mount Ingino, a small mountain in the Apennine range in central Italy. The town achieved international pop culture stardom as the setting for the Italian TV series Don Matteo. We have been binging on this 266-episode series. Having finished 6 of the 12 seasons, we’re hoping it will never end. One can’t reall...

Veteran Italian actor Terence Hill is standing down from the long-running television series Don Matteo, in which he has played the lead role for more than 20 years. Hill first appeared on Italian television screens as Don Matteo Bondini - a priest in the town of Gubbio in the Umbrian province of Perugia - in January 2000. The popular TV series went...