In an iconic scene in The Godfather, Michael Corleone attends his newborn son’s christening. The scene unfolds inside the hallowed walls of St. Patrick’s Old Cathedral in Lower Manhattan and is punctuated by a montage of grisly murders unfolding throughout New York City at the hands of the Corleone mob family. Director Francis Ford Coppola largely...
READ MORE“Just when I think I’m out, They will pull me back in.” The legendary & one of the greatest movies ever produced “The Godfather,” celebrated its 50th anniversary this year. And despite crossing five decades of its release the movie is still captivating the hearts of its audience by its intruding storyline, excellent cinematography experience, and p...
READ MOREThe Godfather is one of the most iconic films in cinema history, was released on 15 March 1972. The film was a resounding popular success and a Hollywood milestone that inaugurated the season of event films. The movie deals with themes related to the founding of America as a melting pot of races and, in this case, explores the realities swirling ar...
READ MOREAnyone who dares call themselves a film fan has no doubt seen Francis Ford Coppola's The Godfather. More than perhaps any other film in history, it is listed by critics and fans as one of the best films ever made. The epic saga of the Italian-America mafia family, the Corleones, is filled with iconic moments, unforgettable performances and an engro...
READ MOREIt’s hard to imagine “The Godfather” without Al Pacino. His understated performance as Michael Corleone, who became a respectable war hero despite his corrupt family, goes almost unnoticed for the first hour of the film — until at last he asserts himself, gradually taking control of the Corleone criminal operation and the film along with it. But th...
READ MOREOn March 14, 1891, in New Orleans, Louisiana, 11 Italians found not guilty in a murder trial were dragged from their jail cells by a crowd estimated to be 5,000 strong, which promptly shot and hanged them. The victims of this massacre were memorialized on April 12, 2019, by that city's current mayor, LaToya Cantrell. Interestingly, nearly a century...
READ MOREFrancis Ford Coppola lives—as he has in one way or another since directing 1972's The Godfather—in splendor. Loosely held splendor: In the ensuing five decades, Coppola has filed for bankruptcy at least once and has been expelled from Hollywood more than once. But splendor nonetheless. His primary residence is in the Napa Valley, on the grounds of...
READ MOREIt has been 50 years since “The Godfather” premiered and became one of the best-loved movies in Hollywood history. Chronicle film critic Mick LaSalle and arts and culture writer Tony Bravo — two Italian Americans from different generations and different coasts — came of age with completely different attitudes about the film. One practically grew up...
READ MOREFrancis Ford Coppola's "The Godfather" is one of the all-time classic mob movies, and it's frequently cited as one of the greatest movies ever made. The making of "The Godfather" was notoriously tricky, as Hollywood was skeptical about gangster movies in the 1970s and the Italian-American community was fighting back against some of the unsavory dep...
READ MOREBehind every great story is…usually another great story. For the past half-century, The Godfather has stood as one of the most acclaimed films ever made, and the making of the Oscar-winning mafia saga is now as legendary as it was fraught. Many aspects of the harrowing production are well-known—director Francis Ford Coppola’s near firing by the stu...