IN JULY, the Italian Navy tall ship Amerigo Vespucci — a three-mast, 331-foot school ship built in 1931 — left Italy and ventured on the long journey to the United States and Canada. A year later, the Italian Navy FREMM-class frigate Alpino, built by Fincantieri with state-of-the-art technologies, is engaged in a U.S. campaign tour and is moored in...
READ MOREOne of the things we appreciate most, here at We the Italians, is the commitment many Italian Americans show all over the US to celebrate and remember the history and the presence of their fellow Italians who emigrated to the US. Oftentimes this passion is shown by organizing events and writing books, but many of them wanted and still want to estab...
READ MOREThomas Jefferson’s grave marker lists only three of his life’s achievements: author of the Declaration of Independence and the Virginia statue of religious freedom and founder of the University of Virginia. Being the third president of the United States didn’t make the cut. I visited Jefferson’s home, Monticello, for the first time during a recent...
READ MOREForse non tutti sanno che nel 1787 Thomas Jefferson, il terzo presidente degli Stati Uniti d’America, all’epoca ambasciatore a Parigi, intraprese un tour della durata di circa venti giorni (dal 14 aprile al 2 maggio) alla volta del Nord Italia, visitando le città di Torino, Milano e Genova. La sua esperienza è documentata in modo dettagliato in mol...