L'industria spaziale italiana vede una crescita del 27% nel mercato statunitense e punta a un'ulteriore espansione Gli importatori statunitensi fanno scorte di prosecco italiano tra i timori di potenziali dazi doganali Tom Suozzi lavora per creare un National Italian American Museum a Washington Fincantieri assumerà fino a 1.500 lavoratori negli S...
READ MOREAs it stands, 120 cultural and nonprofit groups across the U.S. are rallying support for the creation of a Smithsonian museum of Italian American history in the nation’s capital. Leaders and members of the Italian American Congressional Caucus, in collaboration with the Conference of Presidents of Major Italian American Organizations (COPOMIAO), sp...
READ MORECongressman Tom Suozzi wants to give back to his heritage. The first-generation Italian-American has introduced the bipartisan National Museum of Italian American History Commission Act. The legislation would start a planning commission to examine the possibility of creating a Smithsonian Museum of Italian American History on the Washington Mall....
READ MOREPlease support H.R. 9987 National Museum of Italian American History Commission Act, which would create a planning commission to examine the feasibility of establishing a Smithsonian Museum of Italian American History. Every major Italian American organization in the country has endorsed this bill. All of the bipartisan Chairs and Co-Chairs of th...
READ MOREDear friends, We the Italians is spending October, the Italian Heritage Month, back and forth between New York, Rome and Washington DC. This is the busiest month of the year for us, and for several friends in the Italian American community. October began with a very special moment for me. As you may know, I have the honor of being the representativ...
READ MOREOctober has become “Italian and Italian-American Heritage Month,” thanks to a bipartisan resolution sponsored by Congressman Tom Suozzi (D-Nassau, Queens). The H. Res. 1524, co-sponsored by Congressman Mark Amodei (R-NV02), “salutes the Italian and Italian-American community and exhibits appreciation for their culture and their heritage that have i...
READ MOREPlease support the bipartisan National Museum of Italian American History Commission Act. The bill would create a planning commission to examine the feasibility of establishing a Smithsonian Museum of Italian American History. Similar commissions have led to the establishment of Smithsonian museums such as the African American History and Culture M...
READ MOREJune 1, 2024 Little Italy, Manhattan, New York
READ MOREFormer Rep. Tom Suozzi (D-Glen Cove) and Italian-American advocacy groups have criticized Nassau County Legislator Mazi Pilip’s campaign for referring to Suozzi as the “godfather of the border crisis.” The phrase “godfather,” particularly in usage against Italian-Americans, carries a negative stereotype of association with the Mafia, as a result of...
READ MOREThe Columbus Heritage Coalition and The Columbus Citizens Foundation present "Meet The Candidates," an invitation-only series of evening appearances featuring Democratic and Republican candidates for Governor in the June 28 primary election. "Meet The Candidates" begins on Monday, April 11, with a 6 pm cocktail reception and program to follow for C...