The Lost Legacy of Tony Gaudio, directed by Alessandro Nucci, is the only Italian-produced documentary among the 169 films shortlisted for nomination as Best Documentary Feature, at the 97th Academy Awards, to be held on March 2, 2025 at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. Here is a trailer of the documentary. The film, presented at the 18th Buffalo...

On the occasion of the one hundred and fortyth anniversary of his birth, the Cineteca della Calabria and the Province of Cosenza pay tribute to the figure of Tony Gaudio with the exhibition "Tony Gaudio cinematographer/Una storia ritrovata," from Nov. 15 to 30 at the Museo delle Arti e dei Mestieri (Museum of Arts and Crafts) in Cosenza. It is a ho...

There are stories that are lost in time. Sometimes, these forgotten stories are those of women and men who, in their lives, left a profound mark on the progress of society and, despite this, due to the passage of years are no longer adequately known. In such cases, it is a duty to ensure that these stories are rediscovered by the general public. On...