Italy has embarked on an ambitious venture to develop small nuclear fission reactors aimed at powering future lunar settlements. This initiative, known as the SELENE project (Sistema Energetico Lunare con l’Energia Nucleare), is spearheaded by the Italian Space Agency (ASI) in collaboration with the National Agency for New Technologies, Energy, and...

When he opened his LA PORTA in Northport Village this summer, owner Rob Simmons didn’t need to do any advertising. Just the aroma of burning wood mixed with Italian flavors wafting onto Main Street had people pouring in. They were “flooded” right out of the gate, he said. “Our storefront has folding windows, so it opens up completely,” Simmons expl...

When the Colosseum opened its doors in A.D. 80, tens of thousands of Romans had the opportunity to stand alongside each other and watch a cavalcade of gruesome events. Before then, Roman leaders had avoided building permanent entertainment buildings. Combat events took place at funerals, the Circus Maximus, or bleachers would be put up around the F...

There was a special announcement on Sunday night at the Undo’s Upper Ohio Valley Italian Heritage Festival’s Annual Christmas Gala. The festival’s board of trustees announced that they will be adding an additional $500 to their scholarship awards. Each year, the festival has awarded two local students a $1,000 scholarship, and now they will increas...

On a quiet stretch of the Mediterranean, just northeast of Italy’s Sardinia, sits the tiny island of Tavolara – often called the “world’s smallest kingdom.” Measuring just three miles long and one mile wide, it’s easy to miss, but this hidden gem is packed with history, beauty, and a little touch of royalty. Rising 1835ft above the sea, Tavolara’s...

The Specialty Food Association (SFA) has announced a year-long partnership with Italy for 2025 that will make the European country the partner country for both the 49th Winter Fancy Food Show, taking place Jan. 19-21, 2025, at the Las Vegas Convention Center, and the 69th Summer Fancy Food Show, taking place June 29-July 1, 2025, at New York’s Javi...

Caitlin Clark has rapidly become one of the most popular atheletes in the world of sports. She took the WNBA by storm, shattering records and making a big impact for the Indiana fever. Then again, her easy-going and down-to-earth nature off the court is in contrast to her tough persona on it. Notably, that might come from her family. In an appearan...

Rome has transformed the giant silos at the Metro C construction site in Piazza Venezia into an open-air art gallery as part of the Murales project launched on Monday. Pietro Ruffo is the first of six contemporary artists whose work will be displayed on the towering silos which blot out the view of the Vittoriano and offer a surface area of 700 squ...

The Lombardia Style has landed in New York. "Destinazione Lombardia" was recently presented in New York at the exclusive Bar Milano of Eataly on 5th Avenue. An evening organized in collaboration with Enit, the national tourism agency, was dedicated to the "Lombardia Style", a new regional territorial marketing brand that identifies the excellences...

On December 15, 1964, the first Italian satellite San Marco 1 was launched. For this reason, every December 16th, starting from 2021, the Italian National Space Day is celebrated. The Italian Space Agency would be established later, but in the 1950s, the Italian space industry was taking its first steps, primarily thanks to the efforts of engineer...

We are honored to announce that Joseph S. Bruno, C.P.A., entrepreneur and philanthropist, has joined the Board of Directors of the Italian American Museum of Washington DC (IAMDC). Joe is the President/CEO-Emeritus Building Hope, a nonprofit organization that supports the establishment and support of charter schools throughout out the United States...

The thirty-fifth edition of Il Sole 24 Ore's Quality of Life survey, launched in 1990 to measure well-being levels in Italian territories, marks the victory of the province of Bergamo, which this year has displaced Trento in second place and Bolzano in third. Reggio Calabria, on the other hand, is in last place, with the bottom 25 positions all occ...