Francis Ford Coppola has launched an ambitious "Distant Vision" project as a "live cinema" experiment at his alma mater, the UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television. Coppola unveiled details of the multi-year project at a news conference Saturday, following his month-long collaboration with 75 UCLA students and faculty on "Distant Vision," the story of three generations of an Italian-American family whose history spans the development of television.
The collaboration culminated Friday with a 27-minute live broadcast of the "Distant Vision" script from the UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television's Freud Playhouse to a limited audience. The tasks for the students and faculty included operating over 40 cameras, acting and working on sound, set design and construction, costume, props, editing, stage management and producing.
In September of 2002, some of Los Angeles' most prominent Italian American citizens got to...
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