The award-winning short form comedy series, "Little Italy, Los Angeles," produced by Adriano Valentini Productions & Adaptive Studios, is in consideration for a 2019 Emmy in the category: "Short Form Comedy or Drama Series" LA's Little Italy is a neighborhood undergoing change. From corporate stores to hipster salons, foreign food trucks to gay bars. "Little Italy, Los Angeles" follows the interconnected lives of the community's diverse residents, led by its last original Italian, Frank the Barber, as they learn to adapt to its' inevitable transformation.
Winner of Best Web Series at both HollyShorts Film Festival and LA Comedy Fest, "Little Italy, Los Angeles" was created and directed by NBC Comedy Playground Winner and HBO's Project Greenlight Top 10 Finalist, Adriano Valentini, who fuses his admiration for his Italian heritage with the culture of his current 'hipster-heavy' city that is Los Angeles.
by Matthew Breen Fashion fans will be in for a treat this fall when the Fine Arts Museums...
When the fire hydrants begin to look like Italian flags with green, red and white stripes,...
In September of 2002, some of Los Angeles' most prominent Italian American citizens got to...
Little Italy San Jose will be hosting a single elimination Cannoli tournament to coincide...
The La Famiglia Scholarship committee is pleased to announce the financial aid competition...
Holiday walk hours Friday, 12/5 noon-9pm, Saturday ,12/6 noon-9pm Sunday, 12/7 noon-6pm. S...
Candice Guardino is adding to her list of successful theatrical productions with the debut...
Si intitola Pietra Pesante, ed è il miglior giovane documentario italiano, a detta della N...