"A LITTLE FELLOW: The Legacy of A.P. Giannini" by Davide Fiore has been awarded the Best International Docufilm at the Coliseum International Film Festival 2024 in Rome. Director Davide Fiore, , now residing in Los Angeles, returned to Italy to present the world premiere of his documentary and to accept the prestigious award. Directed by Davide Fio...

The Sedona International Film Festival is proud to present “A Bocelli Family Christmas”, showing Dec. 21 and 22 at the Mary D. Fisher Theatre. “A Bocelli Family Christmas” captures the wonder and music of the Christmas season, transporting viewers into an Italian winter wonderland. Featuring a mix of classic carols and original songs from the famil...

The Lost Legacy of Tony Gaudio, directed by Alessandro Nucci, is the only Italian-produced documentary among the 169 films shortlisted for nomination as Best Documentary Feature, at the 97th Academy Awards, to be held on March 2, 2025 at the Dolby Theatre in Los Angeles. Here is a trailer of the documentary. The film, presented at the 18th Buffalo...

The docu-film A.P. Giannini: Bank To The Future directed by Valentina Signorelli and Cecilia Zoppelletto, produced by Daitona and Preston Witman Productions, continues to shine on the international stage, taking home the Best International Documentary award at the Tennessee International Indie Film Festival (TIIFF). This prestigious accolade highli...

The long awaited documentary about the coolest, hippest, Radio Hall of Famer – the late, great Dick Biondi – will receive a special viewing Thursday, Nov. 14. The film screening and fundraiser starts at 6 p.m. at the Beverly Arts Center, 2407 W. 111th St., Chicago. Proceeds from the screening will go toward putting the final touches on the film bef...

Despite his international renown, we know terribly little about Leonardo da Vinci. Aside from a couple of Florentine court records about a dropped sodomy accusation, and — of course — his own notebooks, his name survives primarily through his work, his idiosyncratic drawings, paintings, and blueprints. Idiosyncratic, for while da Vinci apprenticed...

On Veterans Day, November 11, Franklin County Visitors Bureau (15 South Main Street, Chambersburg, PA) will host two special showings of “Fedeltà. Soldier. Prisoner," the Stephen Mancini Productions documentary of repatriated Italian POWs housed at Letterkenny Depot during World War II. “Fedeltà. Soldier. Prisoner" will be shown following the Chamb...

On Oct. 24, Mercury Studios and Fathom premiered iconic Italian tenor Andrea Bocelli’s concert film, Andrea Bocelli 30: The Celebration. Sofia Carson joined Bocelli on the red carpet at Regal Essex Crossing. The film, which chronicles Bocelli’s three-day July concert event in Italy honoring his 30th anniversary in music, is set to be released in U....

In the world of sport there is constant debate over who qualifies as the Greatest of All Time. In basketball, is it Jordan or LeBron? In soccer, Messi or Maradona? In Formula 1 racing, Lewis Hamilton or Ayrton Senna? In the world of glassblowing, however, there is no debate. The GOAT title unquestionably goes to an amiable Italian by the name of Li...

“Marcello Mastroianni was known, all around the world, as the Latin lover, the Italian seducer, especially after he starred in La Dolce Vita, Federico Fellini’s masterpiece,” says Fabrizio Corallo, the director of the new documentary Ciao Marcello, Mastroianni l’antidivo.  “Mastroianni did not like this image. He didn’t want to be seen as an icon,...