Family Fun Discovered At Columbus Parade And Italian Fest

Oct 13, 2017 636

BY: Bob Vosseller

Long time Parade Chairman Michael A. Blandina said recently that the annual Italian Heritage Festival and Ocean County Columbus Day Parade never rests on its laurels and that he and his committee always try to offer something new and exciting to those who come out to it. Blandina said that the festival, held from Friday, Oct. 6 to Sunday, Oct. 8 “has become one of the most popular ethnic cultural festivals in the state.” He added that for the past 19 years the parade committee arranged to bring in “special groups of talented people from Italy to add an authentic spirit of Italian Heritage and Culture to these events.”

“This year it was our honor to have for the first time with us the folkloric groups Città di Tropea from the Region of Calabria, Italy and La Teglia from the Region of Molise, Italy,” Blandina said. Both Folkloric Groups consisted of around 25 members, divided between singers, dancers and musicians. All were experienced in folklore and wore historical costumes typical of their respective region of Italy. Such attire was usually worn for special occasions like weddings, engagements and other important events.

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