Pasquetta 2017: Baltimore Easter Egg Roll

Mar 16, 2017 813

The Italian Cultural Center of Maryland in collaboration with the Evesham Park Neighborhood Association is proud to present the third edition of Pasquetta 2017: Baltimore Easter Egg Roll. Evesham Park. Baltimore, MD - April 17, 2017 - 11 AM to 3 PM

In Italy, the day after Easter, we usually have a "scampagnata", a picnic, where "you meet with friends and family in a park and relax and have fun. In the United States, the Easter Egg Roll is an annual event, and is held on the White House lawn, and in many other cities, each Easter Monday for children and their parents. The historic Baltimore Easter Egg Roll was traditionally organized at Patterson Park and attended by hundreds of children and their families. It has been and it is our desire to recreate that same magic in Evesham Park. We look forward to seeing you all there! Vi aspettiamo numerosi!

SOURCE: The Italian Cultural Center of Maryland

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