Union Teen Crowned IAPSNJ Queen of NYC Columbus Day Parade

Oct 13, 2017 1046


Jacqueline Schulz marched as Queen of the Italian American Police Society of New Jersey at Monday’s Columbus Day Parade in New York City. "It was an honor being able to represent a part of my heritage by being Queen," said Schulz, 17, a senior at Union High School.  "It meant a lot knowing that I was able to show how much my heritage means to me and the importance of staying connected to my roots." The Italian American Police Society of New Jersey was founded in 1985 and is New Jersey's largest police fraternal organization. 

"The entire day was great," said Schulz.  "Being around so many people who are a part of the Italian American community made me feel like I was at home." According to their website, the Society is comprised of more than four thousand local, county, state and federal law enforcement officers from throughout the state. The Society was founded with the purpose of promoting the role of Italian Americans in public service as well as enhancing public safety while supporting the law enforcement community.

SOURCE: https://www.tapinto.net

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