4 years later; community to help decide what will replace Christopher Columbus Statue

Feb 21, 2024 1026

BY: Stephanie Duprey

People in Columbus are sharing what symbols of art they would like to see around town. It's been four years since the Christopher Columbus statue was taken down from the front of City Hall. Reimagine Columbus announced it wants to replace it but wants community input. Starting in March, people will have the chance to share their opinions on what they would like to see.

Some told us they wanted to see something universally positive. "I would like to see somebody or something positive in the world because we have a lot of violence," Wendy Spann told ABC 6. "I would like to see someone who represents peace and world leadership." For almost 60 years, Spann says she's seen Columbus change in many ways. 

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SOURCE: https://abc6onyourside.com

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