Big Night in Wheeling for Italian-American of the Year

Nov 16, 2012 1265

This year's Upper Ohio Valley Italian Festival kicked off with a dinner at the McClure Hotel.

Local businessman Bob Contraguerro, Sr. the owner and CEO of Panhandle Cleaning and Restoration took the honor of 2012 Italian-American of the year.

Contraguerro said in light of his family's humble beginnings in Wheeling, the honor means much.

''My family, go back to my mother and dad, both full-blooded Italians, both sets of grandparents came over from Italy to the United States, and then met and had children'', said Contraguerro. ''It's just a great honor for me. I never dreamed I would receive an honor like this."

Contraguerro started his business in 1977. It now services 16 states and has over a hundred employees.

It will be a big weekend starting Friday for Contragerro as he and thousands of people celebrate the Upper Ohio Valley Italian Heritage Festival.

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