Festival celebrates 125 years with procession

Jul 18, 2022 431

BY: Warren Dillaway

Anne and Kathy Ray sang along with a marching band during the Our Lady of Peace Festival in honor of Our Lady of Mount Carmel on Sunday. The family has a long history with the festival and shared memories of years gone by. After the 10 a.m. mass, more than 100 people participated in a procession from the church, north on Columbus Avenue to East 16th Street and back to Mount Carmel Church.

The tradition began 125 years ago after three parcels of land were purchased to build a church at the East 16th Street and Columbus site, Father Raymond Thomas said after completing the procession that included a statue of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, one of the titles of the mother of Jesus. Thomas said he believes the original festival was to raise money to build the church after the land was purchased. 

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SOURCE: https://www.starbeacon.com

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