10 year anniversary, Italian Film Festival, open house and Winter term, Lucca Educational Travel Adventure and more

Dec 24, 2015 1625

by the Italian Cultural Center of Minneapolis

The Italian Cultural Center of Minneapolis/St. Paul has reached a milestone in the life of the organization, and in 2016, join us in celebrating our ten year anniversary! Did you know that, according to the U.S. Small Business Administration, only one third of businesses make it to their 10th year?

What began in 2006, with a few students in a small room at the Minneapolis Public Library, is going strong in 2016! We have expanded and moved to the Hennepin Center for the Arts Building. Currently, we enroll 60 adult students in an array of language classes, have established a solid children's program, are preparing to unfold our 8th Annual Italian Film Festival, are anticipating leading our third group of adults to Italy so they can study the language on Italian soil, have moved into our second year awarding scholarships to deserving young students, and we continually offer an enticing array of cultural and social activities! We have become an important part of the community! Join us this year, as we celebrate our success and work even harder to bring exciting cultural programs and opportunities your way! Thank you for your ongoing support!

Source: Italian Cultural Center of Minneapolis

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