Ferragosto 2021 - St Louis Italian summer festival

Jul 31, 2021 1533

You are kindly invited to the 4th annual FERRAGOSTO celebration in St. Louis, at the Enterprise Pavilion at Shaw Park in Clayton, Saturday August 21, 2021, from 4:00pm to 11:00 pm. Ferragosto is the largest Italian summer festival of the year where all are invited to taste and see contemporary Italian culture and cuisine. The nearby sand volleyball courts and playground are available for our use.

We will serve plenty of food, from antipasto to salsiccia and traditional Italian sausages (luganighe), wine, beer, cocktails, and non-alcoholic beverages will also be served. We ask that everyone bring a dish and/or beverage of their choice to share. The nearby sand volleyball courts and playgrounds are available for our use. The event is free and open to the public.

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SOURCE: https://www.stlouisitalians.com

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