An Italian Holiday Tradition: Tombola, Panettone & Pandoro

Dec 08, 2022 733

Tombola, Panettone & Pandoro: an Italian Holiday Tradition. Tuesday, December 20, 6:00-8:00 PM. Register here. Italian Cultural Center, Traffic Zone Building, 250 Third Ave N., Suite 625, Minneapolis (MN). Join Ileana Tamberlani, native Italian from Rome & Italian Instructor, for a fun night of Italian Holiday Traditions! Tombola is the most traditional Christmas game in Italy, everybody plays it with their family and friends over the holidays.

Numbers and words of the game will be in Italian and in English. Have fun playing this game while enjoying a glass of Prosecco with pandoro and panettone, two Italian cakes that are a symbol of Christmas in Italy. Prizes will be awarded.

SOURCE: Italian Cultural Center in Minneapolis

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