02/07 Tuesday 6:00 pm • Casa Belvedere • 79 Howard Avenue • Staten Island, NY - Doors open at 6:00 pm. Tombola games begin at 6:30 pm. Entry: Members free; non-members $10 per person. Tombola cards must be purchased for each round at $3 each. Tombola is a game that originated in Southern Italy. Similar to Bingo, the game is fun to play, easy to lea...

Tombola, Panettone & Pandoro: an Italian Holiday Tradition. Tuesday, December 20, 6:00-8:00 PM. Register here. Italian Cultural Center, Traffic Zone Building, 250 Third Ave N., Suite 625, Minneapolis (MN). Join Ileana Tamberlani, native Italian from Rome & Italian Instructor, for a fun night of Italian Holiday Traditions! Tombola is the most tradit...

Even the most diehard self-professing Scrooges out there probably succumb to at least a few of the joyful traditions of the Christmas season. Whether it’s scrumptious baked goods or carols sung loudly or the odd family tradition that no one else would understand, traditions lovingly color and fortify our memories of Christmas.  Coming together with...

Tuesday December 17th • 7:00 pm. The Italian Cultural Foundation at Casa Belvedere, 79 Howard Avenue, Staten Island, NY 10301. Come hungry & thirsty! Concession available with homemade food from our Cucina Colavita plus beer, wine & soft drinks. Cash & credit accepted. REGISTER ONLINE OR CALL 718-273-7660. Members: FREE. Non-Members: $10pp. Additio...

Every Italian received a Tombola set as a Christmas present at some stage of their childhood. Mine, however, was a bit of a historical relic, as I had inherited my brother’s, who is eleven years my senior, and there were plenty of bits and pieces missing. Cards were all bent and a lot its little wooden numbers were missing. I still remember them, t...