Italian Americans win in Massachusetts

Aug 02, 2022 1114

BY: Tom Damigella, Italian American Alliance

To all Organizations and Individuals who petitioned against Bills H.3191 and S.2027, an Act establishing an Indigenous People Day on the second Monday of October to replace and eliminate Columbus Day as a Massachusetts State holiday: IDP Day Bill NO ACTION TAKEN by the legislature. General Session concluded August 1,2022. This Bill dies in committee.

Our collective voices were heard! We believed that this Bill was unjust and unfair and divisive not only to the large Italian American community of 800,000, but also to many other Massachusetts residents who support and celebrate this National Holiday.

At the same time, we do support that the Native American community should have their own day of celebration and recognition of their proud heritage to be the day after Thanksgiving as proclaimed by President Obama in 2009, and that the Month of November should be Native American Heritage Month as proclaimed and votes on by Congress in 1990.

The many personal contacts and emails that were made to House Speaker Mariano and other legislators made the difference to Save Columbus Day in Massachusetts! Thanks go out to all those who took up this cause and supported it with your actions.

In the meantime, we need to make it clear to our own legislators that we will not support them with our vote if they insist on supporting this bill in the future.

SOURCE: Save Columbus Action Group

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