14th Annual Festa in Honor of the Sicilian Black Madonna del Tindari

Aug 19, 2017 908

Friday, September 8, 2017, 6PM at the Phoenix Bar, located at the former site of her devotion, 447 East 13th Street, off of Avenue A, Manhattan. Each September 8, a group of people gathers at the Phoenix Bar, the former site of a chapel to the Madonna of Tindari created by Sicilian immigrants who first celebrated her feast day in 1905. People arrive to tell stories, recite poetry, and dance to the rhythms of Italian folk music as a way of creating community and a new sense of the past.

On this fourteenth anniversary, the festivities begin at 6pm and continue until the last person decides to leave. Once again, the Phoenix Bar owner Brenda, the bartenders, and the patrons have graciously opened their space for this event.

SOURCE: Comitato per il Ripristino della Festa della Madonna Nera

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