A Chance in Life Pays Tribute to Tony May and Remembers UN SDG Goals

Dec 10, 2022 754

BY: Nicola Corradi

“This is the first time I have spoken about my father in public since his death”. So begins the speech by Marisa May, daughter of the late chef Tony May, at the Wine & Spirits Gala organized by A Chance in Life. “My father was my hero and mentor. He loved cooking, cigars, golf, travel. His motto was ‘life is always good,’ and he never wanted mediocrity-it was not an option for him.”

Giving her the award “for the legacy of setting the standard for luxury Italian fine dining in the United States” was Gabriele Del Monaco, director of A Chance In Life, who recalled Chef Tony’s outstanding value to the Italian and American community.

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SOURCE: https://lavocedinewyork.com

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