Columbus Citizens Foundation Applauds The City's "She Built NYC" Initiative And The Upcoming Statue In Honor Of U.S. Rep Shirley Chisholm

Dec 14, 2018 766

The Columbus Citizens Foundation congratulates New York City's First Lady Chirlane McCray, and the entire DiBlasio Administration, on the announcement of a permanent monument to U.S. Rep Shirley Chisholm.  The statue of Chisholm is set to be installed at the Parkside entrance to Prospect Park in Brooklyn by the end of 2020.

Chisholm was a New Yorker of determination and historical significance, remarkable as not only the first black Congresswoman, but as the first woman to seek the Democratic presidential nomination.  The monument is the first for "She Built NYC", a new initiative dedicated to the construction of monuments throughout the five boroughs dedicated to New York City women who have changed history.

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SOURCE: Columbus Citizens Foundation

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