Cuomo, Molinaro Cross Paths at Columbus Day Parade

Oct 10, 2018 861

BY: Bobby Cuza

Leave it to the Columbus Day Parade to bring together two rivals of Italian heritage. Even if it was just a brief handshake, it was a break from the negativity that has defined the governor’s race thus far. "I just said hello. I think that’s the extent of the conversation he feels comfortable having," said Marc Molinaro, the Republican candidate for governor.

Governor Andrew Cuomo on Monday stuck to the topic of ethnic pride. The parade this year honored Cuomo's mother, Matilda, and sister, Margaret, an Italian language education advocate. "Today we celebrate the Italian-Americans," Cuomo said. "I have the special Italian-American cufflinks on today." It was Molinaro on the attack Monday, releasing an ad on the release from prison of police officer killer Herman Bell.

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