De Blasio’s ‘problematic statues’ commission to hold public hearings in each borough

Nov 10, 2017 1350

BY: Erin Durkin

The city is holding public hearings in all five boroughs to let New Yorkers give their two cents on whether potentially-offensive statues should stay or go. The commission created by Mayor de Blasio is reviewing “symbols of hate” on city property, and is expected to give recommendations on monuments to scrap or keep by the end of the year.

“Our public spaces belong to New Yorkers, and their input is crucial to the monuments commission’s work. As we develop guidelines around public art and monuments, we need to hear their thoughts on the best way to foster public spaces that reflect who we are as New Yorkers,” said co-chair Tom Finkelpearl, also de Blasio’s Department of Cultural Affairs commissioner.

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