Italian American sounds good: New Italians in the USA, the value of citizenship

Mar 09, 2025 194

BY: Umberto Mucci

Dear friends, I am posting this to inform you about an event promoted by We the Italians together with Fondazione Migrantes (a pastoral organization of the Italian Episcopal Conference which since 2006, has been publishing the annual Rapporto Italiani nel Mondo) and ACLI (the most important social promotion association in Italy, which also has an office in New York City), to be held next March 14 at 2:30 p.m. at the Italian American Museum in New York (151 Mulberry Street).
We will give you a timely and very informative overview of Italian emigration numbers and what is happening and why it is happening, from the Italian perspective, on the issue of dual citizenship. Please rsvp here. I particularly care about this event, for at least three reasons.
The first is that the Fondazione Migrantes and ACLI are two outstanding Italian institutions leaders on the topic of Italian emigration for years, and for the first time they are together in New York.
The second is that the Italian American Museum is my home in New York, and I have the honor of representing it here in Italy.
The third is that, at this particular moment, I believe that the issue of dual citizenship of Italian Americans is even more important, indeed crucial: that is why the title of my speech is “The importance of the Italian American community, today more than ever.”
I was supposed to be at the event, but unfortunately a problem is keeping me here in Italy. I will participate with a video, but I am sorry because I would have liked to be there with you, to greet you and present the two extraordinary friends from Italy who will be there, Delfina Licata for Fondazione Migrantes and Matteo Bracciali for ACLI. But I hope that you can and will attend in large numbers, I assure you that the topic is fundamental and those who will speak will give you new and very interesting information and insights.

SOURCE: We the Italians

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