"Italian American Sounds Good: New Italians in the USA, the Value of Citizenship" was the theme of the event held today at the Italian American Museum in New York. The meeting was organized by the Migrantes Foundation and the Patronato ACLI USA to discuss the benefits of acquiring a passport not only for Italy but also for the European Uni...

Dear friends, I am posting this to inform you about an event promoted by We the Italians together with Fondazione Migrantes (a pastoral organization of the Italian Episcopal Conference which since 2006, has been publishing the annual Rapporto Italiani nel Mondo) and ACLI (the most important social promotion association in Italy, which also has an o...

‘The Seductresses’ is a series of meetings in New York City that will analyze the female condition throughout history from an unusual point of view: seduction. The project will kick off on Thursday 23 January at 6.30 pm - 32 Prince Street New York, NY 10012 - it will discuss women who have played a significant role in history by using, overtly or c...