The Patronato ACLI USA presents ‘The Seductresses’

Jan 18, 2025 214

‘The Seductresses’ is a series of meetings in New York City that will analyze the female condition throughout history from an unusual point of view: seduction. The project will kick off on Thursday 23 January at 6.30 pm - 32 Prince Street New York, NY 10012 - it will discuss women who have played a significant role in history by using, overtly or covertly, their charms to experience a social rise capable of bestowing a lifestyle and power extraordinary for the era to which they belonged.

Behind the seduction was a world of culture, intelligence, cunning, and psychological sophistication. Telling the lives, the anecdotes of the great seductresses of history teach us just that. Far from being frivolous man-eaters and the superficial vanity of those who have no reference points except the compliments of others, these women shaped history and contributed to cultural, social, aesthetic, and political development. The weapon of seduction, for them, was precisely a weapon, perhaps one of the most sophisticated.

“Developing the art of seduction means going to focus on a renewed savoir-faire, conviviality, attention to others, to one's own culture, tolerance,” explains Stefano Marruso, National Director of ACLI USA Patronage, who conceived ‘The Seductresses’ in 2018. 

*Marruso is a trend forecaster, life coach, and family constellation facilitator. He has devoted much of his professional life to the study of social skills, powerful communication, broken love movements, and generational ties. He attended the School of Life in London and the Academy of Happiness in Milan. Before coming to New York, he worked in offices in Milan, London, Lugano, and Shanghai.


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