The miracle of St Frances Cabrini: A baby’s sight healed

Nov 04, 2022 642

The story of an American Catholic Saint and the baby of a family from Castletara whose eyesight was restored is virtually unknown in Ireland. The miracle centred around a baby who received horrific damage, albeit accidental, to his eyes. The child would live and one day enter religious life himself.

Peter Smith Jnr was born on March 14, 1921, at a New York medical centre, which became known as the Mother Cabrini Hospital. The child’s parents were both from County Cavan; the baby’s father was Peter J. Smith from Hanies, Castletara, and belonged to a branch of the Smiths from Lavey. The last of this Smith to live at Hanies was James Smith who was succeeded by his son in-law, Francis Cahill.

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