Sei personaggi in cerca d'autore (1921-2021): Luigi Pirandello

Dec 11, 2021 699

A round table to celebrate the 100-year anniversary of the first performance of Luigi Pirandello's masterpiece. December 13, 2021 6PM - Italian Cultural Institute, 686 Park Avenue, NY. RSVP here. Limited capacity. Guests will be asked to show proof of vaccination upon entry.

Speakers: Lisa Sarti, Ph.D. - The City University of New York; Pietro Frassica Ph.D - Princeton University; Michael Subialka - University of California, Davis. Pietro Frassica, Lisa Sarti, and Michael Subialka in conversation with Fabio Finotti, will discuss the production of the play, from its stormy debut in Rome in 1921 to its international recognition as a masterpiece that still resonates with audiences today.

The event will also be the occasion to present the latest issue of PSA - The Journal of the Pirandello Society of America, a special edition entirely devoted to acknowledge Six Characters in Search of An Author as the greatest of the Nobel Prize-winner's dramas.


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