Festa Italiana begins with Mass

Aug 03, 2016 807

Archbishop Alexander Sample, who studied in Rome, will celebrate Mass in Italian at 7 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 20, at The Grotto. Italian desserts will be served after the Mass. The Mass begins a week celebrating Italian-American culture in Portland, Festa Italiana. This is the festival's 25th year.

Festa Week continues the next day with a Bocce Tournament on Aug. 21 and Festa Night at the Flicks, Italian movie night, on Aug. 23. On August 25, 26 and 27, Portland's Piazza, Pioneer Courthouse Square welcomes Festa Italiana for Italian Music, Dancing, Food and wine/beer gardens. All festa events are free admission. For more information see: www.festa-italiana.org

Source: http://www.catholicsentinel.org/

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