Props in Portland: A Glimpse Behind the Magic

Oct 27, 2015 1690

by Tonya Russo Hamilton

"Se avete due pani, vendetene uno e comprate un fiore, perché anche l'anima ha fame." If one has two loaves of bread, sell one and buy a flower, for the soul also has hunger. This Italian proverb spoken by Cindy Felice's mother throughout her life signifies her journey from childhood arts appreciation to becoming the Props Master for the Portland Opera.

"My grandparents all came from little Italian villages," states Cindy, "and they all made things- shoes, wine, clothing, Italian lace, good food! And they all sang. As a matter of fact, my father sings, (albeit unprofessionally) and his weekly venue, the local grocery store, is where his performances would take place while he was doing his shopping. 

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Fonte: L'italo-Americano

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