Seattle chapter summer 2013 meeting on august 29th

Aug 02, 2013 1051

ISSNAF Seattle Chapter is pleased to announce the 2013 Summer Meeting, that will take place in the Harborview Medical Center (HMC) Auditorium (300 9th Ave, 98104, Seattle) on Thursday August 29th 2013. The first speaker, the celebrated Italian writer Sergio Campailla will introduce his latest book "Divorati dal Dragone" (Bompiani), a thriller that takes place between Florence and Rome in the heart of the Renaissance. The second speaker, Dr. Marta Scatena, Associate Professor in the Department of Bioengineering at the University of Washington, will talk about her research aimed at understanding the mechanisms underlying the pathological processes of cardiovascular diseases. Claudio Vacalebre, CTO at Alanta, will talk about WebRTC, an open source project aiming to enable the web with Real Time Communication (RTC) capabilities. Last but not least, renowned artist Maria Grazia Repetto, master of fine arts, will talk about her work as a in fresco painter.

The details for the social event after the meeting are still in the working process, however it will likely take place at Il Fornaio in downtown Seattle.

More details will be available in a few days.

To download the flyer of the event, click here

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