"Internazionalizzare per crescere - Quale Sistema Paese per vincere questa sfida?" è il tema del convegno organizzato dall'Associazione di volontariato osservatorio per la sicurezza - Andromeda, che si terrà martedì prossimo, 23 luglio, alle ore 9.30, presso la Sala delle Bandiere del Parlamento Europeo, a Roma.   Introdurrà i lavori Roberta...

The travelling exhibit, "unescoitalia" – created by Italy's Ministry for Cultural Heritage and Activities in association with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs – is a collection of photos of Italy's UNESCO World Heritage sites, as seen through the lenses of 14 prominent and contemporary Italian photographers: Olivo Barbieri, Gabriele Basilico, Gianni...

Dopo aver passato qualche anno a giocare a calcio (e un po' a pallavolo), vogliamo dimostrare che abbiamo il talento necessario di cimentarci anche col basket!   Nell'area di Washington ci sono diversi tornei ricreativi e, se c'è l'interesse necessario, vorremmo iscrivere una squadra Italians in DC ad uno di questi!   Read more  ...

The borough is hosting the second annual Feast of San Gennaro at the Jersey Shore from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. today and 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday on Main Street between 10th and 12th avenues, according to a news release.   The festival honors local officials of Italian-American descent who made a positive impact on the quality of life in the surro...

The exhibition presents bronze copies of famous works of art by artists such as Michelangelo, Donatello, Giambologna, and Etruscan masters, realized by the renowned Ferdinando Marinelli Foundry in Florence. The shows highlights the peculiar casting techniques employed in Tuscany and the role that the art of bronze casting plays in the conservation...

Bridges to Italy is proud to be, once again, among the strategic partners of one of the best Silicon Beach events – the 2nd Annual Next Generation Entrepreneurship and Global Crowdfunding Forum which will be held at the Santa Monica's Marriott on November 15th.   This event is for all those entrepreneurs, startuppers and innovators who wonde...

He's been off at college for a couple of months now, and we've grown wistful for the always impressive spectacle of our Teenage Bottomless Pit at the dinner table. So it was our pleasure to have him along for our most recent dining excursion. Looking for a location that would please all three of us and be easy to get to on our way to return him to...

The New York Times called him ''a tanned, scrawny Indiana Jones'', and Nicolo' Marchetti is surely the only archeologist in the world today digging for the treasures of the past under the watchful eye of al-Qaeda machine guns.   Marchetti leads the Turkish-Italian team that is unearthing the mythical Hittite capital of Karkemish, which has b...

Wine has a long, rich history as a cooking liquid. One of the early "cookbooks," compiled in the first century, "De re Coquinaria" ("On Cooking"), included dozens of recipes that used wine. Since the beginning of recorded history, wine has been considered one of the essential ingredients in cooking. The ancient Greeks used wine and there are numero...

"Mio caro Antonio, vorremmo da te il nuovo David di Michelangelo". Con queste parole è cominciata la sfida, il disegno per la presentazione di una scultura per il Bryant Park come omaggio da parte del nostro Paese per celebrare l'anno della cultura italiana negli Stati Uniti. A questo invito, ricevuto da parte dell'ambasciata italiana, si è aggiunt...

Luca Parmitano? La visita del Segretario di Stato John Kerry a Roma? Enrico Letta a Washington? L'Anno della Cultura Italiana negli Stati Uniti? Quale immagine è per te il simbolo del legame di amicizia tra Italia e Stati Uniti nel 2013? Vota la tua immagine preferita cliccando su "Mi Piace" e su "Condividi" sotto la foto che ti piace di più....

My recent vacation in California wine country inspired me to share a few thoughts on the differences between the US wine industry and the Italian wine industry. We discuss this very subject on almost all of our Bike the Wine Roads tours in Italy. My last post, on Bell Vineyards, discussed the different perspectives on terroir, the natural environme...