DEMO DAY for investors - NYC

Apr 26, 2013 1740

MTB Winter 2013 Batch
The Italian Business & Investment Initiative, Intesa Sanpaolo Start-Up Initiative and Mind the Bridge are pleased to present this startup demo day event for the media and technology industry onThursday May 2, 2013 at Intesa HQ New York.

Join us to listen to pitches from selected EU originated media and technology companies and hear feedback from venture capitalists focused on this industry.

The Italian Business & Investment Initiative (IB&II), in cooperation with Intesa Sanpaolo Start-Up Initiative and Mind the Bridge in San Francisco, is an independent organization committed to promoting Italy originated startups as attractive investments for U.S. venture capital firms. Now operating in its 3rd year in New York, IB&II's biannual series of investment symposia in Silicon Valley and New York have been tremendously well-received, resulting in $5 million in investments and two successful US exits.
As a results of its past investors day events in NYC, companies such as:
Beintoo, HyperTV, Timbuktu, Savelli were able to secure funding from local investors.

This spring's symposium will feature presentations from 10 prominent EU originated startups with founders from Italy, Israel, Greece, US. While at various stages of development these companies have been backed by international venture capital firms. All are poised for global growth and most of them are actively relocating their HQs in the U.S.
After the business pitches, Q&A session will take place and the program will conclude with a networking cocktail reception.

Thursday, May 2, 2013 5:00 -9:00 PM

Intesa Sanpaolo
One William Street
New York, NY 10004

DEMO DAY is an invitation only event for accredited investors.
You can request an invitation here.

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