Ciao from Rome, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year from the motherland! 2017 is leaving us, it has been a year full of many success and very interesting people here at We the Italians.

Mattinata is a splendid town in Apulia, famous for its beautiful beaches and especially because of its crystal clear sea. It is located in one of the most beautiful places in Apulia: the Gulf of Manfredonia, on the coast of the Gargano promontory. Located in the Gargano National Park, in the province of Foggia, the town sits between two hills, on a...

Matera, city of the “Sassi” and rupestrian churches, has always been a cradle of traditional craft skills rooted in the distant past. The local inhabitants are accustomed to working in terracotta, tuff, wood and papier-mâché, initially as a pastime and then for trade, resulting in the production of excellent artefacts. The art of papier-mâché, in p...

Lasagna with artichokes is appetizing dish, a vegetarian alternative to the traditional lasagna with bolognese sauce, something I like to prepare for a Sunday family lunch or a festive event a on a meat-free day. Actually you can enjoy it the next day for lunch too ... if there is some left over, which I doubt! Lasagna is a pasta dish that it is go...

In the Archaeological Park one can visit the Roman baths, remains of private Roman houses (domus) and the amphitheatre. Archaeological excavations have also brought to light a patrician house of the 1st century AD, called “the House of Horace,” Jewish catacombs containing a series of hypogei discovered in 1853 (the presence of a large Jewish commu...

These years witness important celebrations for art history, and history in general. While it is the centenary of the breakthrough in the First World War and of all its artistic and human collapses, a century before Napoleon bought up works of art in Italy for his Musée Napoleon, created in the first decade of the nineteenth century. The news concer...

DOP (PDO) Pecorino Romano is the direct descendant of the sheep's milk cheese that was the staple food of the Roman Empire. The story goes that, over 2000 years ago in ancient Rome, the same sheep's milk cheese that we eat today was an important part of the daily meals and banquets of imperial palaces.

Author Valeria Fanelli launches her first book on bilingualism. “Why don’t Mamma and I speak the same language?” is a publication written both in Italian and English, dedicated to all kids whose parents have moved to the U.S. from Italy and have decided to pass their linguistic heritage to their children. Gianni loves the way he and his mom communi...

When Maria Montessori arrived in USA in 1913, she was greeted enthusiastically and with passion by the Americans thanks to the revolution she made in the child education system. In fact, the New York tribune dedicated to her a wonderful piece with the title: "Maria Montessori, the most interesting woman of Europe". Thereafter, the pedagogical metho...

Set in gorgeous and magnificent Tusncany, and immersed in the splendid countryside just outside favorite art cities like Florence and Lucca are the Medici Villas, built during the Florentine Renaissance and inserted onto the UNESCO World Heritage List in June, 2013.

The overall trend in investments between Italy and the United States in 2016 was slightly in contrast to that of previous years. This is an abstract of a much loner and complete report from ICE, the Italian Trade Agency, that can be found here.

In addition to being the most important and representative Christmas tradition, the crib is also the oldest: the first nativity scene was made by St. Francis and his friars on the night of 24th and 25th December 1223 in the mountains of Greccio, near Rieti in the Lazio region. The first crib is actually a mass exceptionally celebrated in a cave rat...