WTI Magazine #68    2015 September, 18Author : Jennifer Gentile Martin for      Translation by:   The top grapes of this region including the white grape, trebbiano d'abruzzo, also know as ugni blanc in France. It's a high acid wine, without much flavor extracted and is usually light and crisp with apple flavors. The r...

Il segno unico distintivo del made in Italy agroalimentare ('The extraordinary Italian taste') è un tassello fondamentale del piano per l'internazionalizzazione che Mipaaf e Ministero dello Sviluppo economico stanno attuando per sostenere l'export e rafforzare le azioni di contrasto all'Italian sounding, che prevede risorse pari a 260 milioni di eu...

by Ronald Holden   What's up here? A liquor license application from an outfit named Aglio e Olio (2743 E. Madison St.) lists Luigi DeNunzio as one of the applicants. He's well-known in the Italian-American restaurant community, with two Pioneer Square restaurants to his name (Al Boccalino and Che Sara Sara), plus Cafe Bengodi, recently relo...

October 21 6:30 pm — 8:00 pm, Westchester Italian Cultural Center, 24 Depot Square, Tuckahoe, New York Learn about the ancient and spectacular tradition of La 'Ndocciata and La Sagra dei Misteri di Campobasso, or Festival of Mysteries of Campobasso, which is considered one of the most significant tradition in the history of the Molise region and r...

Sono nate 456 startup innovative in più a fine settembre 2015 rispetto a giugno dello stesso anno. Sono i dati diffusi dalle Camere di Commercio e che si riferiscono alle startup innovative iscritte al registro delle imprese del ministero dello Sviluppo Economico. Inoltre, le startup rappresentano lo 0,31% del milione e mezzo di società di capitali...

by Darin Moriki   Moncler, an Italian outdoor lifestyle retailer with French roots, may be opening a second Hawaii store in Honolulu's Ala Moana Center, which is set to unveil close to 40 retailers in its new Ewa Wing expansion project within the next two weeks. Architect Giancarlo Teglia of Venice, Italy, on behalf of Moncler USA Retail, L...

We have 10 Italian directors who are leading an international revival for cinema from the land shaped like a boot. The old adagio of "Italians do it better" does not pertain to romance alone. Neorealism, also known as the Golden Age of Italian Cinema, is still remembered in the history of motion pictures as one of the most important and influe...

by Jackie DeGiorgio   Yes, Italy is replete with ruins and art and scenery galore, but it's nearly impossible to think of the country without thinking of its food. In addition to the countless restaurants, there are plenty of food and wine experiences to silence your hunger pangs when in Il Bel Paese, but—whether you live here or not—there's...

by Nick Vivarelli   Gabriele Ferzetti, the silently seductive Italian actor who rose to international prominence during the 1950's and 60's, when he played a dissolute playboy opposite Monica Vitti inMichelangelo Antonioni's melancholy masterpiece "L'Avventura," died in Rome on Wednesday.   He was 90. Ferzetti's stage, screen and...

by Silvia Donati   Italian-American director Jonas Carpignano is the author of the film Mediterranea, which tells the story of two African migrants, Ayiva, played by Koudous Seihon, and Abas (Alassane Sy), as they try to make better lives for themselves in Italy, after traveling from Burkina Faso to Rosarno, in the southern region of Calabri...

L'eccellenza del Made in Italy agroalimentare sugli schermi di Times Square a New York e nei più importanti network televisivi degli Stati Uniti. È partita la campagna di promozione del governo per il sostegno al wine&food nazionale con uno spot firmato da Silvio Muccino che mostra la qualità e il saper fare italiani.   È questo uno dei...

Date: Thursday, January 21, 2016 Hours: 6:00 p.m. Site: Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago - 500 N Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611 Organized by: Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago In collaboration with: Join us for the first of three lectures about Leonardo da Vinci by Daniele Macuglia, University of...