Building Bridges with Italy: A Good Day for Students and Community at Chapman

Mar 16, 2016 1028

by Federico Pacchioni

On Sunday, March 5th, over 200 students and community leaders gathered for the Italian Studies Council's conference Culture and Business: An Italian Perspective. The conference brought together innovative business leaders representing film, architecture, design, agriculture and other industries from California and Italy.

Dr. Daniele Struppa, Chapman University Chancellor, opened the conference and stressed the important role Italy has played through history in shaping philosophy, religion, arts, business and culture. Dr. Federico Pacchioni, Musco Chair of the Italian Studies, introduced the keynote speaker Florindo Blandolino, Director of the Italian Trade Commission, who provided an insightful overview of Italy's economy and emphasized its focus on quality that has provided Italy with a competitive edge in many industries from technology to food and fashion.

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