Simone Mori MD, working at Conti Lab at Scripps in San Diego and ISSNAF affiliate, won the Merck Biopharma Innovation Cup

Jul 24, 2017 1885

Congratulations to Simone Mori MD, working at Conti Lab at Scripps in San Diego and ISSNAF affiliate who won with his Immuno-Oncology team the Merck Biopharma Innovation Cup proposing a new molecule that direct the immune system against cancer!

Bio: A native of Italy, Simone Mori graduated in medicine at the Polytechnic University of Marche, in Ancona, Italy, where he trained in internal medicine and clinical immunology. A fellowship from the Italian College of Physicians has enabled his work at The Scripps Research Institute in San Diego (CA) where with his colleagues in the Conti lab focuses on the role of inflammatory molecules such as interleukins and prostaglandins to provide new targets for drug development.

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