October 27-28, 2015, Italian Embassy, Washington DC: "Where Italian researchers meet to discuss breakthrough ideas"
The talents and innovators of the Italian diaspora in the United States and Canada will meet the institutions, industry, and academia to help create industrial value, promote scientific research, and provide young and brilliant Italian minds with career opportunities.
Here is the Agenda of the Annual Event. To register click here
Source: http://www.issnaf.org/
Dennis Palumbo is a thriller writer and psychotherapist in private practice. He's the auth...
The La Famiglia Scholarship committee is pleased to announce the financial aid competition...
Arnaldo Trabucco, MD, FACS is a leading urologist who received his medical training at ins...
Si chiama Emanuele Ceccarelli lo studente del liceo Galvani di Bologna unico italiano amme...
You can tell she fills with excitement when she has the chance to show an important archae...
AGENDA 12.00 – 12.15 Light lunch12.15 – 12.30Welcome addresses Lorenzo Mannelli, MD, PhD...
The National Council for the Promotion of Italian Language in American Schools(National CO...
The Department of Italian invites you to a lecture by Fulvio S. Orsitto who is an Associat...