GR Sister City scholarship offers free month in Italy to any Kent County resident

Feb 21, 2017 1440

BY: Amy Biolchini

Any Kent County resident could spend a month in Perugia, Italy, learning Italian - for free - through a scholarship offered by the city of Grand Rapids' Sister Cities International program. Perugia is one of Grand Rapids' official Sister Cities. The scholarship is available for the first time in 2017 to any resident of Kent County - not just to students.

Leonardo Tombelli, chairman of the Perugia Committee, said the group decided it was time to open up the opportunity to more applicants. There are two scholarships available each year, which offer one month of intensive Italian tuition-free at the University for Foreigners (Universita per Stranieri, known as UNISTRA). The scholarship also offers a modest living stipend through UNISTRA and a $2,000 cash award from the GRSCI Perugia Committee to assist with plane tickets and living expenses.

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