Dear friends, July is also now almost over, and if anyone thought that after our Gala we would rest, they were very wrong. We the Italians is working on at least three very ambitious and exciting projects, and we already have some ideas on how to turn the gala into something even bigger, starting next year. Between July and August we will be return...

As the name says, a "house museum" is a habitation or palazzo that has been transformed into a museum. It could have been the abode of illustrious gentlemen, or of common citizens, site of familiar intimacy or a center of power: that which renders a house museum exceptional is its capacity to re-enact or represent the life that was, the traditions...

The launch of the innovative website is also an opportunity to announce a new Chair that will be activated within the year at the University of Perugia. It is the Chair in Technology and Universal Humanism, and to tell about it Brunello Cucinelli calls to the stage the rector of the University of Perugia, Maurizio Oliviero. “It...

Orvieto is a city situated atop a tuff cliff in the heart ofUmbria. Famous for its thousand-year history and artistic and cultural heritage, Orvieto is enveloped in a special medieval and Renaissance atmosphere. The cathedral, a Roman-Gothic masterpiece, holds treasures such as the Brizio Chapel, an artistic unicum. Frescoed by Luca Signorelli, the...

The historic core of Norcia is enclosed by 13th-century walls which form a unique heart shape.  Along the perimeter the eight ancient village gates can be seen, which have preserved the names and characteristics of the past, together with the medieval towers. Entering from the Roman Gate and walking along the 19th-century Corso Sertorio, the visito...

Nearly eight years since the inaugural mission to Italy by the US Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to scrutinize Swine Vesicular Disease (SVD) control systems in Umbria and Tuscany, the Federal Register has at last announced the formal expansion of APHIS-recognized SVD-free zones. This paves the way for the export of Tuscany and U...

Foligno is a city located in the region ofUmbria. Its history dates back to pre-Roman Umbrian times, when the ancient Umbrians probably founded it around the 10th century BC, under the name Fulginia. Later, the city began its urban evolution, and in 1255 it came under the control of the Trinci family of Lombard origin. Under their rule, Foligno ext...

Along the Tiber River, guarded by the peaks of theTuscan Apennines, lies the Valtiberina, a splendid area straddling Tuscany and Umbria, characterized by its natural beauty, its rolling hills that then give way to mountains, dense forests and verdant landscapes, and a very rich cultural history that has seen some of the greatest artists in the hist...

In the little town of Bevagna, Umbria, we find an example of long-lasting Made in Italy craftsmanship, established almost 800 years ago. The Cereria Medievale di Bevagna, founded in 1250, carries its age with nonchalance. As part of the broader cultural initiative within the Mercato delle Gaite, this workshop revives the ancient art of candle makin...

In the heart of theUpper Tiber Valley, the Umbrian Valtiberina, stands one of the most interesting 15th-century architectural complexes in Italy: the Bufalini Castle in San Giustino, a town of ten thousand inhabitants between Sansepolcro and Città di Castello. The castle is located right in the center of the town, protected by an ancient wall that...